First Practicum
Lax Kxeen Elementary School in Prince Rupert, British Columbia. I got to spend three weeks in a Kindergarten class with my Grade 4 teacher as my coaching teacher which was such a blessing and amazing learning opportunity. It made me think about how life feels like a full circle. Not everyone has the opportunity to learn alongside and co-teach with their grade 4 teacher however, I had this opportunity and it was truly amazing.
My first formal observation lesson plan was on Math, making paper monsters with a variety of shapes. It went really well, students loved it and I received positive feedback on it as well. During the lesson, I was able to think on the stop and adjust my steps as it was almost time for recess. I didn’t even realize that I was pivoting and adjusting until later reflecting on the lesson and my coaching teacher gave me great feedback on my skills.

Last Practicum
I didn’t anticipate how rewarding it would feel to teach my students Punjabi as my second language formal lesson and bhangra dance lesson as my PHE formal.
I had so much fun teaching the students that I had an idea for the students to perform at the seniors centre since we would be heading there in the following weeks.
I loved teaching bhangra classes 2 days a week for three weeks in my last three week of practicum. It was a wonderful way to end my journey. I had regular students that would always attend with so much enthusiasm! it felt so rewarding to feel that love when they danced with so much energy and would always ask in the hallways if there was bhangra dancing after school.
I took pride in finding new dance steps and songs for the students to practice and dance to. I think my favourite memory was smiling at the students when the beat was at its highest. I could feel the energy and love in the space. It was truly magical. For moments, I would stop and think how I got here. The struggles prior to the program, my mental health after my brother passed and almost being done the program. It has been such a journey that has allowed me to reflect deeply of how far I have come and all the events leading to where I am now.