The first day of Block 5! Block 1 and Block 5′ after the first day of orientation.
2nd day of Orientation! Icebreaker activities at the NSC.
Yellow Team’s icebreaker activity- Making Lanyards!
The yellow team!
Lheidli T’enneh Memorial Park- We spent the afternoon here doing land based activities with the block 1’s.
Walking Curriculum group- There were a variety of prompt cards about the land and each block 1 was paired with a block 5 to do a little walk and talk.
West Lake on September 8th- Coming full circle EDUC 405
When I arrived to the lake, there was some fog left that was lifting on the lake. It reminded me of last year and I spent some time reflecting on the past year.
EDUC 403 outdoor class on September 12th at this newly opened pickleball court/bball area downtown PG. I played this bean bag throwing game.